Bonjour à tous ! Surprise dans la boîte aux lettres ! (#23 ici)
Hi everyone ! Surprise in the mailbox! (#23 here)

I'm not a great fan of civil models and even less attracted by sports cars (except the real ones) but I must say that the Porsche 997 GT3 R 2011 'Ring Fighter' is a pure wonder and the work accomplished by Jochen Kieslich in this issue #24 of Art of Modelling is amazing. Some years ago, Tamiya was proposing nice "lipsticks" allowing to create mud effects on our models but the given examples dealt with sports or civil cars. I have never really liked these products long before knowing the existence of pigments and the use of plaster. The sports cars modellers don't often think of weathering their models and even less of damaging them, but when it's well done, you can't go over it. This Porsche went through high damages logically and wonderfully emphasized. The work made on this model by Fujimi is simply terrible, as much on the building process as on the painting and weathering processes. This article really deserves to be read and I would almost be inspired to use it on the military models I'm used (well "used to"... "I'm starting") to build.
Le T-55 Enigma dans ce numéro est ici mis en peinture de manière extrêmement convaincante et malgré l'engouement général pour la technique de la modulation (même si beaucoup de modélistes restent encore récalcitrants), elle n'est pas utilisée ici mais le travail est d'excellente facture. Je regrette juste la petitesse de certaines photos, mais la multitude de techniques employées pardonneront bien cela. Au prochain épisode, Kristof Punlinckx nous proposera un diorama simple... mais efficace (le véhicule se trouve devant deux blocs de béton sur une parcelle de route). Mais cela pourrait changer...
The T-55 Enigma in this issue is here extremely and convincingly painted and despite the great interest given to the modulation technique (even if many modellers remain against it), it is not used here, but the work is excellent. I just regret the small size of the photos, but there are so many techniques used that I can forgive this easily. In the next episode, Kristof Punlinckx will present us a simple diorama... but quite efficient (the vehicle is placed in front of two concrete blocks on a piece of road). But it could be something else...
Magnifique véhicule, très belle mise en peinture pour un modèle d'exception chez Brach Model, un Bianchi Miles Truck. Lisez-le, la technique de la laque y est utilisée avec modération, mais à bon escient. De plus, Simon Antelmi utilise des produits de Lifecolor, dont l'utilité m'a toujours semblé obscure, à savoir la gamme Tensocrom. La patine est excellent et le modèle aux détails ravageurs passe à travers des mains expertes. Beau travail !
Wonderful vehicle, excellent paint work for an exceptionnal model from Brach Model, a Bianchi Miles Truck. Read it, the hairspray technique is used with care, but efficiently. Moreover, Simon Antelmi uses products from Lifecolor, which use always seemed quite dark to me, that is the Tensocrom range. The weathering is excellent and this highly detailled model goes through gifted hands. Good job!
Adam Wilder nous gratifie encore d'un article mettant en scène un Paper Panzer sur lequel on distingue sa fameuse technique de moucheté. Avec beaucoup de liberté, le modéliste explique pas à pas la modulation, toujours très discrète mais visible. La patine s'exerce à travers le mapping, l'utilisation des huiles et des pigments, mais le résultat est digne de Wilder. C'est sale, c'est boueux, poussiéreux, mais j'adore !
Adam Wilder gratifies us again with an article dealing with a Paper Panzer on which we can clearly see the now famous spatter technique. With a lot of liberty, the modeller explains step-by-step the modulation technique, always very discreet but visible. The weathering goes through mapping, the use of oil paints and pigments, but the result is faithful to Wilder. It's dirty, it's muddy, it's dusty, but I love it!
Le Cougar de Chris Jerret est quant à lui monté de manière simple, mais il parle ici surtout de l'utilisation de deux produits (que je pense un jour devoir m'offrir pour les tester) de chez AK-Interactive : Heavy Chipping Fluid et Worn Effects reproduisant les effets obtenus grâce à la laque. Pourquoi acheter ces produits alors que la laque pourrait suffir ? Par curiosité !
Chris Jerret's Cougar is simply built, but here he mainly deals with two products (which I will probably buy to test them) from AK-Interactive : Heavy Chipping Fluid and Worn Effects giving the effects one can get with hairspray. Why buy these products when hairspray is just enough? By curiosity!
Pascal Tognon présente enfin "The Hilarious Ka-Pif - A clash on the modelling desk for hobby supremacy" (L'hilarant Ka-Pif - un "combat" sur l'atelier pour la suprématie du modélisme), une vignette au 1:24 présentant deux figurines se battant au milieu de bouts de pinceaux et autres pièces non utilisé avec pour sol un tapis de découpe. Très beau, très drôle. Il faut savoir s'éclater parfois, non ?
Pascal Tognon introduces finally "The Hilarious Ka-Pif - A clash on the modelling desk for hobby supremacy" (which I tried to translate in French, but... you don't need it right?), a 1:24 vignette showing two figures fighting amongst pieces of paintbrushes and othe unused parts on a cutting mat. Very nice, very funny. Hey, why won't we have fun sometimes?
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