Hi everyone! You missed the previous part? It's here!
Aujourd'hui retour au travail... Enfin cet après-midi. Alors soyez indulgent si je ne suis pas aussi loquace que ces deux dernières semaines. Je tenterai à nouveau de faire des mises à jour régulières, mais moins fréquentes. Ah! C'était bien les vacances !
Today, back to work... Well this afternoon, only. So please be indulgent if I am not as talkative as I was for the past two weeks. I'll try to write regular updates, but less frequently. Ah! Holidays were great!
Well, this morning, I decided to move on with my Waffenträger 105mm and painted the gun! I let myself go with the AK-Interactive German Panzer Grey Modulation set. And, it's a success... in my opinion...
J'ai commencé par appliqué le Dunkelgrau Shadow sur les parties inférieures.
Puis j'ai pulvérisé du Dunkelgrau Base, légèrement dilué (10 gouttes de peinture pour 2 gouttes d'eau) sur les côtés.
Vint ensuite le Dunkelgrau Light Base sur les parties supérieures (même dilution).
Du Dunkelgrau Highlight sur les extrémités (même dilution).
Enfin une pointe super diluée de Dunkelgrau Shine.
I started by applying Dunkelgrau Shadow on the lower parts.
Then I airbrushed Dunkelgrau Base, slightly diluted (10 drops of paint for 2 drops of water) on the sides.
Then came the Dunkelgrau Light Base on the upper parts (same dilution).
Dunkelgrau Highlight on the extremities (same dilution).
Finally a tip of highly diluted Dunkelgelb Shine.
Pour finir, j'ai vaporisé un peu de Clear Blue de Tamiya dans une quantité infime : 10 gouttes d'eau pour 1 goutte de peinture. Je sais, c'est dérisoire, mais ça ajoute une légère nuance bleutée.
To finish, I airbrushed some Clear Blue from Tamiya in a very small portion : 10 drops of water for 1 drop of paint. I know, it's ridiculous, but it gives the model a slight blue tone.
Je commence à bien maîtriser la dilution des peintures AK ! Il a fallu tatonné et être assez précis. J'ai utilisé une simple seringue (sans l'aiguille bien sûr) que l'on vous donne relativement facilement chez un pharmacien ! Bien sûr, ils m'ont tous regardé avec des yeux exorbités l'air de se dire : "Il se pique ? Il est perché ?"
I'm starting to handle the dilution of the AK paints! I had to experiment and be quite accurate. I simple used a syringe (without the sting of course) which is easy to be given at an drugstore! Of course, they all looked at my with popping eyes like they were wondering: "Does he use drugs? Is he high on something?"
Bon pour finir quelques photos finies... Fond blanc, fond noir, pas facile de trouver la bonne balance de couleur pour vous montrer l'effet, mais il y est !
To conclude some pictures... White or black background, not easy to find the good color balance to show the effect, but it's there!
Wai wai! Très bien ce résultat! I'm impressed! Du total modulation avec non pas 1 MAIS 3 couleurs de base!
RépondreSupprimerTrèèèèèès sympa. Vivement le vieillissement : )
Merci Thierry ! Ca me touche beaucoup ! Oui, j'ai hâte de passer à cette étape !
Alex, you did a nice modulation on the gun.
RépondreSupprimerI don't want to sound like a nerd - but the question is - what is the legend behind such vehicle?
They managed to paint the hull in camo but left the superstructure in red primer - ok.
Why would they have a panzergrey howitser in 1946? Still standing at the factory from 1941?
Thanks, Bizarre!
SupprimerI understand your question, and I think you're right about the historical aspect. A howitzer gun couldn't probably remain that long in a factory unused. I guess that this is where my total lack of knowledge of the historical facts about camouflage and paints appears. This Waffenträger is a "what if" but I could have tried to know more about the historical context, which I didn't do. I've just let my imagination go on this one, to experiment, try, without getting into history at all... Next time, on a more classical tank, I'll try to respect that. I guess I really wanted to have fun, experimenting the modulation technique and I found it interesting to have these contrasts of colors. So this is totally "artistic" (though I don't consider myself as such), and not historical!
I'm sorry to disappoint you on this. But I'll still have a look at Howitzer guns and their paintings! ;)
But thank you for pointing this out, I'm really aware of my total ignorance concerning historical facts... :(