lundi 3 décembre 2012

SU-85 - Oil (Part 3)

Bonjour à tous ! Tout ce qui est petit est mignon et ce qui le précède est ici !

Hi everyone ! Every tiny thing is pretty and what comes before is here!

Bon, aujourd'hui, j'en ai profité pour travailler les huiles. Je tiens à remercier Kyle Nelson pour son aide précieuse. Merci Kyle, tu m'as beaucoup aidé, mais je pense que j'ai encore besoin d'un peu de pratique ! Son article se trouve ici, et il est superbement fait... Allez, cliquez !

Well, today, I decided to work with oil paints. I would like to thank Kyle Nelson for his precious help. Thanks, Kyle, you really helped me here, but I think I need more practice! His article is here, and it's very well made... Come on, click!

Voilà ce que ça donne ! Une pointe d'huile, un pinceau très peu imbibé de White Spirit et des ajouts au fur et à mesure.

Here it is! A small amount of oil, a brush with very little White Spirit and additions while moving on.

J'ai ajouté du bleu sombre près des zones d'ombre.
I added some blue around the shadow areas.

Le jaune et le brun font d'excellentes variations chromatiques !
Yellow and brown convey excellent chromatic variations!

Une palette de différents verts à aussi été utilisée.
A range of different green tonalities have also been used.

A cette échelle, rien n'est très simple.
At this scale, nothing's really simple.

4 commentaires:

  1. Yeah ma gueule!C'est pas mal tout ça!

  2. Hey Alex!
    Looking good! You've got the right idea, for sure! I really like how each fuel tank looks a little different from the next one-- a nice touch! I also like the stains by the driver's hatch, it's the perfect spot for some extra weathering.

    How is it working in such a small scale? It looks fun, I'll have to try it sometime!


    1. Hey Kyle! I wouldn't have been able to make that good without your precious help! ;) Thanks for these kind words! ;)
      With that scale, it works fine! Actually, small dots of oil and even a nearly white spirit-free brush work fine for the streaks! ;) Have a try! I think it'd look even better on a Dragon model (more detailed, so more interesting!)
